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Visions of Color and Light


July 16, 2021 @ 6:00 pm
August 13, 2021 @ 4:00 pm

July 16 to Aug 13
Visions of Color, Light, Appreciation and, Gratitude
Opening Reception: Friday, July 16, 6pm-8pm
Exhibition Dates: July 16 to August 13

The TLCA is excited to host a fine art exhibition featuring four fabulous artists: Don Weaver (photography); Carol Weaver (yarnscapes); John Goddard (photography); and Sandy Goddard (painting). They will be exhibiting in the Lucy Owens Gallery at the TLCA from July 16 to August 13. The reception will be held on Friday, July 16, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The exact nature of the reception, and the procedures to be followed, will be determined per the State of Colorado’s Covid-19 guidelines at the time.

Before, as a psychologist, Don Weaver used words to connect with people, to enrich their lives. Now, in his present role, he relies more on pictures – designed to be worth thousands of words – to achieve those same goals of connection and enrichment.

Carol Weaver receives inspiration from the beauty of the mountains and natural environment. She celebrates Nature’s vibrant colors and stimulating tactile properties through the use of fiber art.

John Goddard uses a camera not to document what he saw, but to share what he sees. Still Life gives him the chance to create the subject as well as capture it.

Whatever affects light–its source, its shadows, its seasons–alters the color and textures of the subjects in Sandy Goddard’s work. Summer light is the inspiration for her paintings in this show.

Party’s Over by John Goddard

Aspen Glory by Carol Weaver

Taos Summer by Sandy Goddard

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